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Carson-Newman presents 2023 Founders’ Medallion

牧师. Bill Hild speaks to Carson-Newman’s campus community during the University’s annual Founders’ Day. Hild is recipient of this years Founders’ Day Medallion.

全球赌博十大网站授予牧师荣誉. William “Bill” Hild with the 2023 Founders’ Medallion on Oct. 26. Presented during its annual Founders’ Day Ceremony, the award is one of the most prestigious accolades given by the University.

In his address to members of the C-N community, Hild reminded them that each matter and have a purpose. “For those of you who are here today, I look with great anticipation to your future. For those who are alumni here, you know the difference this school made in you.

“I thank you for the privilege of receiving this award,” said Hild. “Most of all, I thank God for creating a place like Carson-Newman that teaches that He matters. 人很重要. 你很重要.”

“我很荣幸能认识牧师. Bill Hild with Carson-Newman’s 2023 Founders’ Medallion,” said University President Charles A. 福勒. “牧师. Hild embodies the ideals of our great University: truth, beauty and goodness. Whether proclaiming the gospel from the pulpit, 带头帮助有需要的人, or teaching students about the world around them, our honoree possesses the timeless qualities our founders held dear.”

A 1978 Carson-Newman graduate, Hild earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Religion. 他响应了牧师的号召, spending 45 years serving at just three churches before retiring in 2020. Twenty-four of those years were spent serving as senior pastor for First Baptist Church of Sarasota, 佛罗里达. He is now pastor emeritus of the church and is married to Beverly.

Not content with merely residing in Sarasota, Hild is an active member within his community. He co-founded the Sarasota Ministerial Association in 2001 and was the leader and emcee at the Fifteenth Anniversary of 911 at Sarasota National Cemetery. Hild also hosted five of the annual Thanksgiving Wednesday luncheons for those experiencing homelessness. 在卡特里娜飓风之后, Hild led his church in recovery and support efforts, 他的会众捐赠了140多美元,000 to help storm victims while delivering food and personal hygiene kits to those in the gulf coast regions. 不受边界限制, Hild’s compassion for others led him to ministry opportunities in more than 60 countries.

因为他有一颗服务的心, Sarasota Ministerial Foundation presented him with the 2019 “Good and Faithful Servant Award.

Despite his career taking him around the world, geography was never a barrier with Hild staying connected to alma mater. He served as a member of Carson-Newman’s 校董会. In 2021 he was awarded the Carson-Newman Triumph Award in Religion by the University.

His passion for archeology has taken him on multiple archeological digs. It is through these experiences of helping uncover secrets of the past that allows Hild to share his passion with others. This was evidenced in 2016 when he established The William Hild Collection of Biblical Antiquities as part of the Lynn and Lyndsey Denton Gallery at Carson-Newman.

Now serving as adjunct professor in the School of Biblical and Theological Studies, Hild is helping launch the University’s new archeology minor. 这样做的时候, this past summer he led a group of five Carson-Newman students on an initial groundbreaking excavation in the Judean Desert of Herod the Great’s desert fortress. 的经验, 上了国际头条, was the result of an effort by Carson-Newman University, in support of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Institute of Archeology and in collaboration with the American Veterans Archeological Recovery (AVAR).


C-N celebrates outstanding alumni during Annual Awards Ceremony




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